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Mission & Vision

Our Mission

Mission Statement: To shine the light of hope into broken places and hurting hearts. 


Founded in 2017, our desire is to proactively assist in the fight against sex trafficking in the state of Idaho, particularly involving youth. We are a faith based non-profit located in the Treasure Valley, and provide immediate care packages to those rescued from trafficking through community partners. 


Additionally, we work to raise awareness of the issue of sex trafficking and ways sex traffickers find and groom victims.

Our Vision

Our vision is to work with lawmakers to craft laws that will more appropriately protect our youth in Idaho, and provide harsher penalties for those engaged in the exploitation of minors.


We also will be working to vet different mobile apps and websites that are appealing to youth, in order to provide informed reviews and critiques for both parents and educators.


Ultimately, we envision also forming partnerships with local law enforcement in order to assist in the fight against trafficking in Idaho, and also hope to provide mentorship services to juveniles trying to recover from a lifestyle of exploitation.

Let it not be said that I was silent when they needed me.
- William Wilberforce
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